Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dennis(Aiden) the Menace

This week, Tim was at work everyday from open to close getting ready for a big visit from the CEO of Staples.  With that said it was me and 3 kids.  On Monday, I had school and didn't know what time I was going to be done so the boys talked me into taking their bikes to Nana's.  I packed them into the back of the van and brought them back home.  On the way up to the house, Riley was on my left pushing his bike and Aiden was on my right.  Aiden decided to run around me, to Riley and ran right into the handlebar of Riley's bike with his eye.  Needless to say, as the week went on, his eye went through the different stages of bruising.  I tried to get a picture of it but this child does not sit still very well.  He also had two bloody noses this week, threw up on the floor from eating too fast, flooded my bathroom and laundry room and dumped three water bottle full of used vegetable oil on the kitchen floor.   My little Dennis the Menace was very busy his last week as a four year old.

1 comment:

Tracie said...

Wow! He has been busy! Hopefully 5 goes a little better :-)