Sunday, May 10, 2009


I know that we have not updated this post since August. Well this is why. For the past year, I have been going to nursing school and was working a full time job on top of that until the middle of February. I have had many all night study sessions, long hours preparing for clinicals and many, many tests to take. My family has been great. I want to thank them for putting up with a messy house, dealing with me locking myself in my room to study, taking care of each other while I was at the hospital picking out patients and preparing for my clinicals. Without their patience and support I am not sure I would have done as well as I did. There were many nights I would ask myself why and then I would come home after a long day and see their smiling faces and remember why.
So, Thank You Tim for pushing me and never letting me fall
Thank you Tanealya for helping with the house
Thank you Taylor for watching your siblings and continuing to do your best. Good job!!!! National Junior Honor Society :)
Thank you Riley for your stories, jokes, and hugs
Thank you Aiden for your kisses, hugs and beautiful singing
Thank you Mom and Dad for all that you do for our family and giving me words of encouragement when I need it the most